Addon - Voljaryk - Konning Axe
Addon - Voljaryk - Konning Axe

Addon - Voljaryk - Konning Axe

Regular price$5.00
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  • Instant download. Start creating today!
  • Pre-Supported and Standard Files
  • Premium Sculpt – Print Successfully Every Time.


Recommended Printer Build Size:
129mm x 80mm x 60mm

Addon - Voljaryk - Konning Axe was sculpted by Dan Petersen

This purchase comes with a Personal Liscense for printing Addon - Voljaryk - Konning Axe. It is prohibited to use these files for commercial use. Read the full license agreement for more information. Or Purchase a Merchant Liscense

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Not the complete axe file

It must’ve add a full Axe file without hand.

Broken Posture Painting
Great add on piece

Have to disagree with other review. Between the picture of the model holding the item and the scale being displayed 1/12 scale this item is clearly not a lifesize piece but its a great addition!!

Derek Adams
Wrong picture

The pictures make it look like a prop sized printable are not a different normal sized alternative for a small print