Addon - Voljaryk Tattoo Styles

Addon - Voljaryk Tattoo Styles

Regular price$5.00
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  • Instant download. Start creating today!
  • Pre-Supported and Standard Files
  • Premium Sculpt – Print Successfully Every Time.


Recommended Printer Build Size:
129mm x 80mm x 60mm

Addon - Voljaryk Tattoo Styles was sculpted by

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Premium 3D printable accessories for Voljaryk - The First Skjöldungar (STL) -

Amid the echoing chants of the seers, Voljaryk felt the sting of the needle etching stories of celestial might onto his skin. Each rune sealed a pact with a cosmic force, binding his fate to legends that have stood the test of time. To gaze upon his tattoos is to glimpse the very constellations that watch over the North.

Within the heart of the North, tattoos are revered as sacred sigils, imbued with the essence of old gods and ancient rites.

Please Note: This is a digital product (3D Printable files) Figure not included. Please read our terms & conditions for more information.

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