Addon - Voljaryk Beard Styles

Addon - Voljaryk Beard Styles

Regular price$5.00
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  • Premium Sculpt – Print Successfully Every Time.


Recommended Printer Build Size:
129mm x 80mm x 60mm

Addon - Voljaryk Beard Styles was sculpted by

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Premium 3D printable accessories for Voljaryk - The First Skjöldungar (STL) -

In the Old World's heart, whispers spread of Voljaryk's ever-changing visage. Some said each twist of his beard held a story, a secret from his many voyages.

From the windswept cliffs of the North to the bustling mead halls, a Viking's beard is a symbol of pride, strength, and experience. Customize your Voljaryk with three distinct beard styles, each telling a tale of battles fought, wisdom gained, and adventures yet to embark upon.

Inlcudes three styles of beards:

- Braided

- Rekkr

- Faðir

Please Note: This is a digital product (3D Printable files) Figure not included. Please read our terms & conditions for more information.

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