Addon - Omari - Face Of Decay Mask
Addon - Omari - Face Of Decay Mask
Addon - Omari - Face Of Decay Mask
Addon - Omari - Face Of Decay Mask

Addon - Omari - Face Of Decay Mask

Regular price$5.00
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Recommended Printer Build Size:
129mm x 80mm x 60mm

Addon - Omari - Face Of Decay Mask was sculpted by Dan Petersen

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A Premium 3D printable accessory for Omari - The Wisdom Keeper (STL) -

As the Tollan festival reached its zenith, amidst the vibrant music and elated shouts, a singular mask stood out in the crowd. The Face of Decay, birdlike in design, seemed to come alive under the flickering torchlight. Wearers moved as if touched by Mizimu's unpredictable spirit. Around them, onlookers felt a curious blend of joy and unease, subtly reminded of life's ever-dancing edge between order and chaos.

Crafted from ancient Tollan trees, this birdlike mask whispers tales of time's caprice and chaos. With every contour, it hints at a dance with Mizimu, the trickster god, challenging the very notions of order.

Please Note: This is a digital product (3D Printable files) Figure not included. Please read our terms & conditions for more information.

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