Addon - Omari - Bone Broth Cauldron
Addon - Omari - Bone Broth Cauldron
Addon - Omari - Bone Broth Cauldron
Addon - Omari - Bone Broth Cauldron
Addon - Omari - Bone Broth Cauldron

Addon - Omari - Bone Broth Cauldron

Regular price$5.00
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Recommended Printer Build Size:
129mm x 80mm x 60mm

Addon - Omari - Bone Broth Cauldron was sculpted by Dan Petersen

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Premium 3D printable accessories for Omari - The Wisdom Keeper (STL) -

As dusk settled over the Asturian camp, the Wisdom Keeper carefully dropped bones into the cauldron, each echoing with the mighty spirit of the creatures they once were. Nearby warriors, their faces illuminated by the firelight, watched in reverence, knowing that with each sip they'd take, they'd draw upon the strength of the fallen beasts. 'To drink this,' the Wisdom Keeper whispered, 'is to carry their might into battle.

Omari's Bone Broth is not mere sustenance, but an elixir of ages, believed by the Asturians to infuse the very life essence of the beasts within it, fortifying their warriors for the fiercest of battles.

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